S4: Reimbursement

Unless it’s an emergency situation, please communicate with your Coordinator before you incur an expense! 

To avoid a delay in your reimbursement, please follow these steps: Create a PDF image of all receipts. Send an email request along with your receipts (all in the same email) to the Admin Coordinator and your Local Coordinator within 10 days of incurring the expense. You’re very welcome to contact the Admin Coordinator with questions: admin@quakervoluntaryservice.org


In the body of the email to the Admin Coordinator, please include: 1) your name, 2) the total amount for which you expect to be reimbursed, 3) a brief explanation of the reason you incurred the expenses in each expense category. 

We ask that you provide expense explanations or descriptions if the purpose of the expenditure is not obvious. For example, a restaurant receipt could be for QVS Day food, a check-in, a recruitment trip meal, etc. We need to know WHY you are spending the money so we can correctly code the expense.

If your Coordinator asks you to use a personal vehicle for QVS events such as retreats, recruitment trips, or travel to QVS Days, QVS will reimburse $0.29 per mile. In lieu of a receipt for this expense type, we ask that you provide a PDF of a map showing the mileage to and from your destination.

Details of the Request

We’re unable to reimburse you without receipts. Our bill pay software is only compatible with PDF files. Therefore, we’re unable to accept a JPG or inline text email (e.g. from Lyft or Square). You will be asked to re-submit your reimbursement request if your receipts are not sent as PDFs. 

To PDF an image on your computer you can navigate to the Print menu and select “Save as PDF” as the printer Destination. To do this, click on File, then Print, and change the Destination to ‘Save as PDF’. 

You can also use the iScanner (iPhone) or Tiny Scanner (Android) app on your phone to scan your receipts/bills in PDF format.

Reach out if you need help!

Creating PDFs

Here’s an example of the type of email we would expect to see for a reimbursement request: 

Hi Liz,

Can you please reimburse me for the following expenses? (receipts are attached below)

  • Therapy Center of Philadelphia Counseling appointments 1/15, 1/21, 1/28: $120

  • Dinners for recruitment trip at Guilford 1/24 and 1/25: $15.50 

  • Round trip mileage for drive to Guilford for recruitment trip; 138 miles @ $0.29 per mile: $40.02

  • Total reimbursement request for Liz Nicholson: $175.52

Sample Request