Unless there’s a different location mentioned below, gatherings will be in the Conlon Room of Brinton House.


Pendle Hill Hospitality: 610-613-7660

Staff Info:

Zenaida Peterson: 617-756-3064

Kate Cowie-Haskell: 617-697-8558‬

Woody Logan-Wood: 513-238-8179

Rachael Carter: 215-605-7920

Mike Huber: 503-680-6717

Liz Anderson: 630-487-0996

Haley Castle-Miller 215-350-8405

Ruth Cutcher: 765-238-8791

Hilary Burgin: 978-760-0116


  • You’re welcome to arrive any time after 2:00pm. Liz and Zenaida will be at a welcome table outside Brinton House (321 Plush Mill Rd.). They can provide you with room keys, a campus map, etc.

  • Starting at 4:30, Staff will be distributed around the campus. Start at Brinton House. Travel from station to station will help orient you to the campus, introduce staff, and give us a chance to talk about stuff.

  • We’ll eat dinner together in the main house.

  • Hilary & Ruth will frame the week ahead with our opening exercises. We meet in the Conlon Room in Binton House.

  • This is your first official gathering as a House! Your Coordinator will let you know where you’re meeting for the week.

    Boston Fellows: Follow Zenaida to the Gazebo.

    Minneapolis Fellows: Follow Kate to Brinton Lounge.

    Philadelphia Fellows: Follow Rachael to Waysmeet Living Room.

    Portland Fellows: Follow Woody to Waysmeet.

  • Done for the day! Staff will meet to debrief and talk about any changes for tomorrow.


  • Breakfast is served in the Main House.

  • We’ll gather with the Pendle Hill community in the Barn for meeting for worship.

  • We’ll gather back in the Barn to reflect on meeting for worship. Your experience is a reliable guide. What might it look like to explore spirituality this year?

  • Rachael and Zenaida will facilitate a talk about the ideological and institutional foundations of oppression, and how we hope to navigate this reality in the coming year.

  • Lunch is served in the Main House.

  • Take a break! Liz is available at this time to talk about student loan support, stipends, or any other admin questions you may have.

  • We meet outside the Barn to explore the connection between comfort and growth.

  • Gather with your Coordinator and Housemates.

    BOS: Gazebo

    MSP: Brinton

    PHL: Waysmeet

    PDX: Waysmeet

  • Take a break!

  • Time for rest? Movement? Creativity? Conversation?

    Movement Activity: QVS Alum Thomas Flaherty will facilitate partner acrobatics in the Conlon Room of Brinton House, with support from Kate.

    Creative Expression: Haley will facilitate a loosely guided time of drawing and collage in the Brinton House Dining Room.

    Conversation: Talk with Zenaida and Ruth about Tarot as a spiritual tool. Meet in Living Room of Waysmeet.

  • Dinner is served in the Main House.

  • We’ll gather in the Conlon Room of Brinton House to reflect on what makes community work.

  • Optional. Melty marshmallow, chocolate and graham crackers. Sometimes, three things is one thing.

  • Done for the day! Staff will meet to debrief and talk about any changes for tomorrow.


  • Breakfast is served in the Main House.

  • Relax! You’re also welcome to rejoin the Pendle Hill for meeting for worship.

  • What’s the best way to spend this time? Rest? Physical activity? Creative expression? Conversation?

    Movement Activity: Get moving with yoga activities with Rachael in Brinton

    Creative Expression: Mike will facilitate a drawing game that describes what happens to a group of monsters as they anticipate the return of humans. The second half of the story will be created during the 4:45 CYOA.

    Conversation: Liz will facilitate a conversation about imagining other worlds and economies : a sci fi chat on imagining change. Meet in Living Room of Waysmeet

  • Conflict is an inherent part of any community. What would make conflict life-giving?


  • Lunch is served in the Main House.

  • Take a break! Liz is available at this time to talk about student loan support, stipends, or any other admin questions you may have.

  • We’ll talk about interpersonal and internalized foundations of oppression.

  • Gather with your Coordinator and Housemates

  • Take a break!

  • Time for rest? Movement? Creativity? Conversation?

    Movement: Play volleyball with Haley. The volleyball court is between the main house and the entrance to Pendle Hill.

    Creative Expression: Mike will facilitate a drawing game that describes what happens to a group of monsters as they anticipate the return of humans. You are welcome to attend this even if you didn't start the story at 9:15.

    Conversation: Woody will facilitate a conversation about ADHD and community; Ruth will provide support for "making and mending" during this time. Meet in Living Room of Waysmeet.

  • Dinner is served in the Main House.

  • We’ll have identity-centered conversations about race. We hope you will walk away feeling excited to continue these conversations and empowered to ask for what you need in order to continue growing throughout the year.

  • Done for the day! Staff will meet to debrief and talk about any changes for tomorrow.


  • Breakfast is served in the Main House.

  • We’ll gather with the Pendle Hill Community for worship in the Barn.

  • We want to be transparent about our financial model, and talk about why we emphasize community as a resource.

  • We’ll have identity-centered conversations about gender and class. We hope you will walk away feeling excited to continue these conversations and empowered to ask for what you need.

  • Lunch is served in the Main House.

  • Take a break! Liz is available at this time to talk about student loan support, stipends, or any other admin questions you may have.

  • Housemates gather with their Coordinator.

  • Please wear your QVS t-shirt and gather in front of the Barn.

  • Take a break!

  • Time for rest? Movement? Creativity? Conversation?

    Movement: Zenaida will facilitate a plant ID nature walk. Meet outside the door to Brinton House.

    Creative Expression: Kate will facilitate using photosensitive paper to make prints from gathered items. Meet in Brinton Dining Room.

    Conversation: Rachael will facilitate a conversation about being BIPOC in QVS and in your city. Meet in Living Room of Waysmeet

  • Be Free!

  • Dinner is served in the Main House.

  • Tell a favorite joke, dance a fancy dance, sing, let your freaky flag fly. We love seeing hidden talent.

  • Done for the day! Staff will meet to debrief and talk about any changes for tomorrow.


  • Breakfast is served in the Main House.

  • We may need to move luggage from the dorm rooms to a central area. Stay tuned for more info!

  • A better future is possible. Let’s start living it.

  • Take a break! Why not get started on the Orientation Feedback Survey?

  • It’s a wrap!

  • Lunch is served in the Main House.

  • Safe Travels!