Summer Lab - Staff Support

QVS is committed to providing you with strong staff support. Two people will be working to support your experience as a Resident. Rai Carter is the Philadelphia Coordinator. ??? is the Summer Lab Association (SLA). This direct support is one of the distinguishing features of our program. 

The Coordinator or SLA will meet with you individually three (3) times during Summer Lab. Conversations with your Coordinator or SLA are confidential unless there is a concern of harm. Please be real about your questions and concerns so support staff can be present with you where things are real. The Coordinator or SLA can help you reflect on your experience, find a medical provider or therapist, address equity concerns or connect you with other resources.

The Coordinator and SLA will be present to the House community. Your Coordinator and SLA will visit the House regularly. By remaining aware of what’s happening in your life together, Rai and ??? can offer timely help with decision-making and connect you with resources.

The Coordinator and SLA will facilitate discussions and exercises. Mandatory Experience Days are scheduled for every Monday and Wednesday. The Summer Lab also features Local Orientation, Opening and Closing Retreat. The Coordinator and the SLA will oversee the programming content for these QVS events. 

Coordinator and SLA will support you at Volunteer Sites over the course of the program. In the spring, your Coordinator will schedule pre-sessions. Together, your cohort will discern where you’d like to invest your time as volunteers. Based on your discernment, Staff will coordinate with possible site placement supervisors. The Coordinator or SLA may be present during volunteer experiences. Before each Volunteer Day, your Coordinator will ask about anything you’d like to have addressed or any questions you might have. There are also two (2) Volunteer Debrief Sessions during Summer Lab, where you’ll be invited to share more about your experience. Of course, you don’t have to wait for a scheduled time to raise a concern with your Coordinator or SLA.

The Coordinator and SLA will help you find local resources. Whether you’re looking for a good place to write in your journal or a good venue for local musicians, your Coordinator and SLA can help you navigate the landscape.  Your Coordinator can also connect you with local Friends: Looking for someone to organize a hike? Want to borrow an immersion blender? Your Coordinator can help you spread the word among the local Quaker communities.

Please remember that the Philadelphia Coordinator and SLA positions are part time. Your Coordinator and SLA may be unavailable during certain hours. 

 If you have a concern about the way staff is supporting you, please talk directly to your staff. They want to grow into deeper and more meaningful ways of supporting you. If you need additional support, please contact the Director of Program.

Direct Staff Support

Additional Staff Support

Rai Carter


email | 215.605-7920

??? Coolbeans

Summer Lab Associate

email | ???.???-????

  • Liz Anderson is our Operations and Admin Manager. They manage health insurance enrollment, offer support around student loan repayment options, and make sure your Bento card is funded. Liz sends your monthly stipend and processes any request you make for reimbursement. They can also provide income attestation letters as needed throughout your year

  • Mike Huber is our Program Director. He supervises Coordinators and works with Local Support Committees. Because Mike oversees the program, he relies on your feedback! He’ll send several feedback forms during the QVS year, and is always happy to hear from you with questions or concerns.

  • Ruth Cutcher works as our Recruitment Coordinator by visiting college campuses, arranging campus visits (like maybe your visit to your alma mater?) and creating relationships with aligned organizations. The continued success of QVS rests on the ability to get the word out to interested folks and Ruth would love to hear your ideas about recruiting future fellows. Please feel free to reach out to Ruth at any time.

Liz Anderson

Operations & Admin

email | 630.487-0996

Ruth Cutcher


email | 765.238-8791

Mike Huber

Program Director

email | 503.680-6717